Water nourishes us physically, creatively, and emotionally. We celebrate the people who reflect this trait, and the work they bring into the world.
Why I Said Yes to Oregon: Water
I still can’t quite believe that I live in this special place. I’m constantly in awe of the stunning land, plants, and water that surround me. The rivers and lakes glisten like nothing I’ve ever seen before and they’re so easy to access. The water that flows from my faucet is the best I’ve ever… Continue Reading Why I Said Yes to Oregon: Water
Water Artist: Gabriel Liston
Gabriel Liston is an artist and illustrator documenting water history and domestic life. Overlands, his recent exhibit of oil paintings at Russo Lee Gallery, showed water bodies across the continent as seen from moving trains. His cartoon about the Bull Run River was featured in the Guardian’s The Illustrated Cities series. He also sometimes leads… Continue Reading Water Artist: Gabriel Liston
Stormwater Art by Kanaan Kanaan
Drink in the beautiful fusion of art and water culture! Artist Kanaan Kanaan worked on a mural for a storm drain located in Tigard, Oregon, which drains to the Fanno Creek tributary of the Tualatin River. Kanaan’s work incorporates river critters and tessellating patterns from Islamic art to celebrate the Muslim community. “We cross paths,… Continue Reading Stormwater Art by Kanaan Kanaan
A Poem by Maritza Oropeza Kritz
Maritza Oropeza Kritz is volunteer, educator, and ambassador for Latino Outdoors. We love her poem “Sana Sana,” which translates to “heal, heal.” We couldn’t help but think of the Spanish saying, “sana, sana colita de rana.” Culturally significant to Latino/a/x/e communities, it is a consolation that healing is on the way. Sana Sana by Maritza… Continue Reading A Poem by Maritza Oropeza Kritz
Tribal Member Linda Meanus Writes About Our Connection to Water
In her first book, My Name is LaMoosh, Linda Meanus, a Warm Springs Tribal Elder, chronicles memories of growing up near Celilo Falls before they were flooded by the construction of The Dalles Dam. “My grandfather would pray to the river, and to the creator for the salmon to feed the people… He used to… Continue Reading Tribal Member Linda Meanus Writes About Our Connection to Water
Soundwalks Around Portland
Plug in your headphones, listen to an audio guide, and take a stroll through a beautiful park in Portland, Oregon. Soundwalks are immersive experiences where the listener participates in an audio and visual journey. These soundwalks usually take around 40-60 minutes to complete. One such soundwalk is called “Heal the Land, Heal the People, Cully… Continue Reading Soundwalks Around Portland
Honoring our Rivers Student Art Anthology
Honoring Our Rivers is a student anthology of art and creative writing about water, river critters, and our local ecosystems here in the Pacific Northwest. Every year, the project encourages K-12 students from Oregon and SW Washington to learn about how water affects their everyday lives. Students reflect on aquatic ecosystems in poetry, prose, fiction,… Continue Reading Honoring our Rivers Student Art Anthology