The Blueprint Foundation





We would like to shout out the work being done by The Blueprint Foundation, who provides culturally relevant and discipline-specific mentoring to like-minded underrepresented youth, with a focus on supporting Black-identified youth throughout the Portland Metro Area.

At Follow the Water, we’re particularly big fans of their immersive education programs on water quality-related issues and mitigation strategies.

The programs take field trips to fish hatcheries, watershed restoration sheds, and partake in fun projects such as removing invasive species, planting native plants, and monitoring stream quality through mussel surveying.

To learn more about the Blueprint Foundation, visit:

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Follow the Water

Follow the Water

Follow the Water is about our relationship with our rivers. It’s about connecting people with our water—where we live, work, and play. It’s also about connecting our behaviors to the rivers so we understand that what we do affects water—both positively and negatively. Follow the Water is about learning and sharing new ways to be better to our water with your friends and neighbors.

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