Stormwater Art by Kanaan Kanaan





Drink in the beautiful fusion of art and water culture!

Artist Kanaan Kanaan worked on a mural for a storm drain located in Tigard, Oregon, which drains to the Fanno Creek tributary of the Tualatin River. Kanaan’s work incorporates river critters and tessellating patterns from Islamic art to celebrate the Muslim community.

“We cross paths, and the crossing and the congregating, that’s the intersection, where we could create something new. And I’m really hoping that is something new and beautiful,” says Kanaan.

Author info

Follow the Water

Follow the Water

Follow the Water is about our relationship with our rivers. It’s about connecting people with our water—where we live, work, and play. It’s also about connecting our behaviors to the rivers so we understand that what we do affects water—both positively and negatively. Follow the Water is about learning and sharing new ways to be better to our water with your friends and neighbors.

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