Whether it's practical tips for water use around the house, or hands-on projects that allow you to take action to protect our local waterways, we have resources to help you become a local water hero.
Scoop the Poop! For Our Water
Unfortunately, uncollected pet waste doesn’t just disappear. Dog poop is gross to step in, disrespectful…
Celebrate National Estuaries Week
So, what exactly is an estuary? Read on to learn more about this important ecosystem…
Oregon Water Stories: Clatsop County
Photo captured by Wild Columbia County Continue Reading Oregon Water Stories: Clatsop County
Importance of Clean Water for Amphibians
Photo credits: File:Wasserfrosch.jpg. (2024, December 13). Wikimedia Commons, August 27, 2024 from https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Wasserfrosch.jpg&oldid=969922685. This post is part…
Pharmaceuticals in water: how do they get there and why does it matter?
This post is part of our collaboration with Portland State University and Dr. Alida Cantor’s…
Oregon Drug Take-Back Program
Did you know even the most advanced wastewater treatment facilities can’t remove all the pharmaceutical…
What are PFAS and PFOS?
Forever chemicals are commonly found in just about every consumer product. They are synthetic toxins…
South Resident Orcas
In the eastern North Pacific, there are three populations of resident killer whales: Alaska residents,…
Weekly Watering Number
Whether you water by hand or have an in-ground sprinkler system, the Weekly Watering Number…
The Blueprint Foundation
We would like to shout out the work being done by The Blueprint Foundation, who…
Columbia South Shore Well Field
Did you know that the Columbia South Shore Well Field (CSSWF) is Oregon’s second-largest regional…
Lawn Alternatives
Are you considering getting rid of your lawn but aren’t sure what would replace it?…
Grow Smart Grow Safe
Great story from OPB about farmers who voluntarily worked with their local soil and conservation…
Inflate Your Vehicle Tires
When it rains in the Pacific Northwest, water washes over our roads, into storm drains,…
Poop Smart Clark
Doo something pawsative for our rivers! Scoop it. Bag it. Trash it. Dog poop is…