Columbia South Shore Well Field





Did you know that the Columbia South Shore Well Field (CSSWF) is Oregon’s second-largest regional water source?

During peak demand, particularly in the summer, the Portland Water Bureau ensures that 26 wells and three aquifers provide nearly 100 million gallons of high-quality drinking water daily. The dual source of the Bull Run Watershed and CSSWF supplies a sustainable and resilient water system for Portland’s, Gresham’s, and Fairview’s drinking water.

One way CSSWF is protected from contamination is the Groundwater Protection Program, which helps prevent chemical spills that could seep into the ground and pollute drinking water. Businesses within the wellhead protection area boundary are subject to regulation if they use certain types and quantities of chemicals.

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Follow the Water

Follow the Water

Follow the Water is about our relationship with our rivers. It’s about connecting people with our water—where we live, work, and play. It’s also about connecting our behaviors to the rivers so we understand that what we do affects water—both positively and negatively. Follow the Water is about learning and sharing new ways to be better to our water with your friends and neighbors.

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